Branches & Loops – Part II
In the previous chapter, we finally added branch and loop constructs to our slowly evolving language. The constructs we chose are enough to tackle most if not all situations in programming. However, a good language should have some more constructs, to make it easier to read and comprehend if nothing else. We add some such constructs in this chapter.
Rinse, Lather, Repeat, Until
Loop constructs, I've noticed, are very closely related to specific programming languages. The construct that a programmer uses most often tends to be influenced by the first language she learned. People who started with the Pascal programming language tend to be comfortable around the REPEAT/UNTIL
That bit of trivia aside, the REPEAT/UNTIL loop is somewhat different from our While loop. Here's the syntax:
Until <boolean expression>
At first glance, this does not seem all that different, except that it seems that this loop will keep looping (excuse me) while the boolean expression evaluates to false. Just an inverted While loop, right?
But take a closer look. The condition appears at the end of the loop. This means that the code in the block will be executed at least once unconditionally. There are situations which demand this behavior, and the Repeat/Until
loop will be our weapon of choice for such situations.
In the middle of the loop
So, we have a loop which checks a condition at the beginning(While
), and one which checks a condition at the end(Repeat
). How about one which checks a condition in the middle?
I'm not joking. There are situations where some code has to execute unconditionally, then a check needs to be made, and if the check is unsuccessful, some more code needs to be executed, and then the whole thing repeats.
The Ada programming language has a loop/exit when/end loop
construct. Here's a simplified syntax:
exit when <boolean expression>
end loop
The exit when
statement can appear anywhere inside a loop
block, and may appear any number of times.
Let's appropriate this statement for SIC.
The Endless
There are situations where endless looping is necessary. Give me a minute (or eternity), and I'll think of one.
Seriously, when most people say that they need an endless loop, what they really want is a loop where the exit condition is not fixed at the beginning or end, and there may be more than one exit conditions. Which is exactly why we decided to implement the Loop
In any case, if we really want an endless loop, all we have to do is not put any Exit When
statements in a Loop
Oh, For...
Next, we introduce the For
loop. There's an in-joke in that last sentence. The For
loop exists in almost all imperative languages, and can work in many different ways. The most common use of the For
loop is to repeat a block of statements a predetermined number of times. This was the very first loop that I learned; the language was BASIC. Here's the syntax:
FOR <variable> = <start> TO <end> [STEP <step>]
Here, <start>
, <end>
and <step>
are numbers. Basically, the <variable>
counts from the <start>
value to the <end>
value in steps of the <step>
value, and iterates the <block>
each time.
Sounds simple, but there are a number of tricky issues. Let's examine the loop's behaviour more closely.
At the beginning of the loop, the <variable>
is set to the <start>
value, and then compared with the <end>
value. If the value of the <variable>
is greater (first issue! Explanation in a moment.), the loop terminates immediately. Otherwise, the block is executed, and then the value of the <variable>
is incremented (same issue) by the <step>
value provided in the optional Step
clause. If the Step
clause is omitted, the variable's value is incremented by one. Then, the value of the <variable>
is checked against the <end>
value again, and so on.
The issue is this: the Step
value may be negative! In which case, the variable (in this situation, referred to as the loop counter or iterator) counts down. This obviously means that when we check the variable against the <end>
value, we must check to see if it is less, rather than greater.
Here's another issue: we are assuming that the <start>
, <end>
and <step>
values are constant numbers. In fact, they can be numeric expressions of any complexity. When should these numeric expressions be evaluated? It can't be on each iteration of the loop, because code in the loop can change the value of these expressions, and thus affect the number of times the loop will iterate.
Despite such issues, the For
loop is quite popular, and so we will implement it. We will see how to tackle the issues shortly.
The C language, and its ilk, use a very different form of the For loop. Although that loop is also meant to be used for counted looping, it can (and often is) used for other kinds of looping situations. Although it has its good points, I always found this loop a little...I dunno...schizophrenic. We will go with the BASIC form of For
for now, and look at adding the C form in a later chapter.
A Very Select Statement
Here's a very common programming situation: If the value of a variable is 1, do something, if 2, do something else, if 3, do a third thing, and if none of the above, do a fourth thing. Essentially, the branching happens based on different values of a single variable or expression. We can do this using our If...ElseIf...Else...EndIf
construct, but many languages provide a dedicated statement for such a situation: the switch or select statement.
Here is an example of the switch
statement used by C, C++, Java, C# and most other languages of that family:
switch(<variable>) {
case 1:
<block 1>
case 2:
<block 2>
case 3:
<block 3>
<block 4>
The whole switch
block's beginning and end is shown using braces ({}), as used by those languages.
If the value of the <variable>
is 1, block 1 is executed, and execution continues after the
end of the switch
block. If the value is 2, block 2 is executed, then block 3 is executed, and then execution continues after the end of the switch
block. If the value is 3, block 3 is executed, and if it evaluates to anything else, block 4 is executed.
Note the break
statement at the end of the first and third case
blocks. Because this statement is omitted in the second case
, if the <variable>
evaluates to 2, blocks 2 and 3 are both executed. This feature is
called falling through, and is thought highly of in the C language. I find it weird. In my experience, you would not want to use fallthrough in most cases. Still, if you don't want fallthrough in a case
block, you have to put a break
in. It ends up being practically unnecessary but syntactically mandatory.
So, here's what we will do. For SIC, we will adopt the switch
block , but will add a FallThrough
statement, which will be the exact opposite of the break
statement; i.e., it will cause execution to fall through to the next case. As I mentioned, I find fallthrough to be the exception rather than the rule. Thus, I'd rather use a FallThrough
statement in the rare cases rather than a break
statement in every case. Among modern languages, Go also has a fallthrough
Here's the proposed syntax:
Switch <variable>
Case 1
<block 1>
Case 2
<block 2>
Case 3
<block 3>
<block 4>
End Switch
The goal of this chapter, therefore, is to parse and compile the Repeat
, Loop
, For
statements. Here are the syntax definitions:
[Continue Repeat]
[Exit Repeat [When <boolean expression>]]
Until <boolean expression>
[Continue Loop]
[Exit Loop [When <boolean expression>]]
End Loop
For <variable> = <start> To <end> [Step <step>]
[Continue For]
[Exit For [When <boolean expression>]]
Switch <expression>
Case <expression>
End Switch
We'll look at BNF as we implement each statement.
Notice that we added the When
clause to Exit
in the case of Repeat
and For
, in addition to Loop
for which it was originally intended. In fact, we will add it for Exit While
as well.
The Approach
The approach remains the same as the last chapter. We mostly need to add command parsers.
First Step
Let's begin with the Repeat/Until
loop. Here's the BNF:
<repeatcommand> ::= "repeat"
<untilcommand> ::= "until" <booleanexpression>
The Repeat
command should create and emit a startpoint label, then parse a block. If the block is successfully parsed, it should emit its endpoint label.
The Until
command should check that it was invoked inside a "repeat" block. If so, it should parse a boolean condition, and emit a jump back to the block's startpoint if the condition is false. Finally, it should end that block.
We already have all the building blocks needed to write these. Add the following to Commands.vb.
Private Function ParseRepeatCommand() As ParseStatus
Dim result As ParseStatus
' There should be nothing after Repeat
If Not EndOfLine Then
result = CreateError(1, "end of statement")
Dim startpoint As Integer
Dim endpoint As Integer
' Generate and emit startpoint
startpoint = m_Gen.DeclareLabel()
' Generate endpoint
endpoint = m_Gen.DeclareLabel()
' Parse the Repeat block
Dim repeatblock As New Block( _
"repeat", _
startpoint, _
endpoint _
result = ParseBlock(repeatblock)
If result.Code = 0 Then
' Emit endpoint
End If
End If
Return result
End Function
Private Function ParseUntilCommand() As ParseStatus
Dim result As ParseStatus
' Until is only valid if we are currently in a repeat block
If m_BlockStack.IsEmpty _
OrElse _
m_BlockStack.CurrentBlock.BlockType <> "repeat" Then
result = CreateError(6, "Until")
Dim repeatblock As Block = m_BlockStack.CurrentBlock
' There should be a boolean expression after Until
If EndOfLine Then
result = CreateError(1, "a boolean expression")
result = ParseBooleanExpression()
If result.Code = 0 Then
' If the boolean condition evaluates to FALSE
' we must jump to the start point.
' End the block
result = BlockEnd()
End If
End If
End If
Return result
End Function
Pretty much what we said. Like all command parsers, the Repeat
and Until
parsers expect that the command itself has already been scanned and parsed by ParseCommand.
Say when
To enable our Continue
and Exit
commands to work with the Repeat
loop, all we have to do is to add "repeat" to our loop table. But before we do so, let's add a new, optional When
clause for both of them.
Currently, both commands are handled by a common parser, ParseLoopControlCommand, which emits an unconditional jump to either the startpoint (Continue
) or the endpoint(Exit
) of the block. We should check if a When
clause exists, and if it does, parse and emit the boolean expression following it, and then emit a conditional jump instead.
Here's the BNF for the When
clause and the revised loop control commands:
<loopcontrolconmmand> ::= <exitcommand>|<continuecommand> [<whenclause>]
<exitcommand> ::= "exit" <looptype>
<continuecommand> ::= "continue" <looptype>
<whenclause> ::= "when" <booleanexpression>
Change ParseLoopControlCommand in Commands.vb as follows:
Private Function ParseLoopControlCommand() As ParseStatus
Dim result As ParseStatus
' The current token is either Exit or Continue
Dim cmdName As String = CurrentToken.ToLowerInvariant()
' It should be followed by a valid loop type, and we
' should be inside that type of loop
' Read the Exit loop type
Dim loopkind As String = CurrentToken.ToLowerInvariant()
If Not IsValidLoop(loopkind) Then
result = CreateError(1, "a valid loop type")
' Try to get the block from the stack
Dim loopBlock As Block = _
If loopBlock Is Nothing Then
result = CreateError(6, cmdName & " " & loopkind)
If Not EndOfLine Then
' There should be a When clause here
result = ParseWhenClause()
If result.Code=0 Then
If cmdName = "exit" Then
' Emit conditional jump to EndPoint
ElseIf cmdName = "continue" Then
' Emit conditional jump to StartPoint
result = CreateError(6, cmdName)
End if
End If
result = Ok()
If cmdName = "exit" Then
' Emit jump to EndPoint
ElseIf cmdName = "continue" Then
' Emit jump to StartPoint
result = CreateError(6, cmdName)
End if
End If
End If
End If
Return result
End Function
Next, add a new region called Clauses in Commands.vb, and add a ParseWhenClause method in it, as follows:
#Region "Clauses"
Private Function ParseWhenClause() As ParseStatus
Dim result As ParseStatus
If CurrentToken.ToLowerInvariant()<>"when" Then
result = CreateError(1, "when")
result = ParseBooleanExpression()
End If
Return result
End Function
#End Region
Clause parsers will have to scan their own first token, unlike command parsers where ParseCommand has already done that.
Now, all that remains is to add "repeat" to the list of valid loops, and to add Repeat
and Until
to the list of valid commands. You already know how to do the latter. Here's how you do the former.
Change the InitLoops method in Commands.vb as follows:
Private Sub InitLoops()
m_loopTable = New List(Of String)
' Add loops here
End Sub
From now on, whenever we add a new type of loop, we will just need to add a line to this method. This won't be shown in the text any more; I'll just ask you to do it.
Speaking of which, add Repeat
and Until
to the list of valid commands, will you?
End Repeat already
If at this point our compiler meets a line which contains End Repeat
, it will happily finish the Repeat
block, without any exit condition check! We don't want this.
The token End
gets parsed by the ParseEndCommand method, which just checks the next token to see if it matches the current block. We need to add a check in that, for the End Repeat
special case.
What should we do? Let's treat End Repeat
as a synonym for Until
, meaning it should be
followed by a boolean expression, and a jump to the start point if that evaluates to false. In other words, all we need to do is call ParseUntilCommand.
Modify ParseEndCommand in Commands.vb, like so:
Private Function ParseEndCommand() As ParseStatus
Dim result As ParseStatus
Dim block As Block = m_BlockStack.CurrentBlock
' We should be in a block when the End command
' is encountered.
If Not block Is Nothing Then
' The token after the End command should
' match the current block type
If block.IsOfType(CurrentToken) Then
' If this is 'End Repeat'
If CurrentToken.ToLowerInvariant() = "repeat" Then
result = ParseUntilCommand()
result = BlockEnd()
End If
' Unless we are inside a comment block
If m_inCommentBlock Then
result = Ok()
result = CreateError(1, block.BlockType)
End If
End If
result = CreateError(2, "Not inside a block")
End If
Return result
End Function
That should do it. We can test the Repeat
loop at this point.
Testing the Repeat Loop
Compile and run. Test with the following:
Dim i As Integer:=1
print i
if [i=3]
continue repeat
end if
exit repeat when [i=8]
Until [i>10]
print "Done"
As usual, try varying the tests. Use End Repeat
instead of Until
. Try the When
clause for Continue
. Introduce errors. Everything should work as expected.
Loop, the Loop
With the plumbing we already have in place, the Loop
loop can almost write itself. Here's the BNF:
<loopcommand> ::= "loop"
Looks like we just need to start the block. Ending it, Continue
, Exit
have all been taken care of.
Add the new ParseLoopCommand to the Commands region Commands.vb, as follows:
Private Function ParseLoopCommand() As ParseStatus
Dim result As ParseStatus
' There should be nothing after Loop
If Not EndOfLine Then
result = CreateError(1, "end of statement")
Dim startpoint As Integer
Dim endpoint As Integer
' Generate and emit startpoint
startpoint = m_Gen.DeclareLabel()
' Generate endpoint
endpoint = m_Gen.DeclareLabel()
' Create the Loop block
Dim loopBlock As New Block( _
"loop", _
startpoint, _
endpoint _
result = ParseBlock(loopBlock)
If result.Code = 0 Then
' Emit jump to startpoint
' Emit endpoint
End If
End If
Return result
End Function
Once we add Loop
to the list of commands and the list of loops, we are ready to test. Do that now.
Testing the Loop Loop
Compile and run. Test with this:
int i:=1
print i
exit loop when [i=4]
i = i + 1
end loop
For My Next Trick
The For
loop is significantly trickier than the ones before. Let us examine the reasons. Here's the syntax again:
For <variable> = <start> To <end> [Step <step>]
[Continue For]
[Exit For [When <boolean expression>]]
The loop counts from <start>
to <end>
in steps of <step>
, setting the <variable>
to the current value of the count in each iteration.
Here's the first tricky part: <start>
, <end>
and <step>
can be numeric expressions. These expressions may involve variables. If code in the <block>
changes any of these variables, the number of iterations should not change. We need to evaluate them once before the loop itself begins, and not evaluate them again.
Here's the second: on every iteration, we have to compare the current value of <variable>
with <end>
. This is a less than or equal to comparison if the <step>
value is positive (or not present, in which case it defaults to 1), and a greater than or equal to otherwise. At compile time, there's no certain way to tell if the <step>
value is positive or negative, except in the default case1.
So here's what we will do to parse the For
command. To begin with, we will parse the <variable>
, then parse the <start>
numeric expression and assign it to the variable. This is basically an assignment, for which we already have a parser.
Then, we will parse the <end>
and <step>
numeric expressions, and store them in two variables we generate ourselves. These variables will be used internally only, and not be visible to the SIC program. This way, the those expressions involve variables and the variable values change, the loop won't be affected. We will use only the internally generated variable for the comparison.
Then, we will emit a start point label and parse a block. We know how to do this.
Once the block is successfully parsed, we will emit code the increment the variable by the <step>
value, or by 1 if the <step>
value has not been specified. We will then emit the comparison with the <end>
value, and jump to the start point if the comparison is true. This is where we have to apply intelligence regarding the type of comparison.
Finally we will emit the end point label. This will ensure that Exit For
works properly, using code that we have already written.
We need a utility method which can generate unique variable names for us. Add it to the Helper Functions region in Parser.vb, as follows:
Private Function MakeUniqueVariableName() As String
Dim result As New StringBuilder("_clrcompiler_t_i4_")
result.Append(CInt(Rnd() * 10))
Loop Until Not m_SymbolTable.Exists(result.ToString)
Return result.ToString
End Function
Armed with that, let us write ParseForCommand. Add it to the Commands region in Commands.vb, as follows:
Private Function ParseForCommand() As ParseStatus
Dim result As ParseStatus
' Try to scan a variable name
If TokenLength = 0 Then
Return CreateError(1, "a variable")
End If
' Check if variable exists, and is numeric
Dim varname As String = CurrentToken.ToLowerInvariant()
If Not m_SymbolTable.Exists(varname) Then
Return CreateError(4, CurrentToken)
End If
Dim variable As Symbol = m_SymbolTable.Fetch(varname)
If Not variable.Type.Equals(GetType(Integer)) Then
Return CreateError(1, "a numeric variable")
End If
' Parse the next two tokens as an assignment statement
result = ParseAssignmentStatement()
If result.Code<>0 Then
Return result
End If
' Parse the To Clause
If TokenLength=0 OrElse _
CurrentToken.ToLowerInvariant()<>"to" Then
Return CreateError(1, "To")
End If
' Parse the <end> numberic expression
result = ParseNumericExpression()
If result.Code<>0 Then
Return result
End If
' Declare a uniquely named variable and emit a store
' to it, thus storing the <end> value.
Dim endVariableName As String = MakeUniqueVariableName()
Dim endVariable As Integer = _
m_Gen.DeclareVariable( _
endVariableName, _
GetType(System.Int32) _
' Process the option <step> value
Dim defaultStep As Boolean = True
Dim stepVariableName As String
Dim stepVariable As Integer
If Not EndOfLine Then
If TokenLength=0 OrElse _
CurrentToken.ToLowerInvariant()<>"step" Then
Return CreateError(1, "step")
End If
result = ParseNumericExpression()
If result.Code<>0 Then
Return result
End If
stepVariableName = MakeUniqueVariableName()
stepVariable = m_Gen.DeclareVariable( _
stepVariableName, _
GetType(System.Int32) _
defaultStep = False
End If
' At this point, initialization of the loop is complete
' We need to jump to the comparison. The jump is required
' because at this point, we will emit the code that
' increments the loop counter, and this incrementing should
' not happen on the first iteration of the loop. So, we
' declare a label that marks the start of the comparison,
' and emit a jump to it.
Dim comparisonStart As Integer = m_Gen.DeclareLabel()
' Declare startpoint and endpoint, and emit the startpoint.
' At this point, we will emit code that increments the loop
' counter, and then code that checks the counter against the
' <end> value. This is the real starting point of the loop.
Dim startpoint As Integer = m_Gen.DeclareLabel()
Dim endpoint As Integer = m_Gen.DeclareLabel()
' Increment the counter variable by the step value
If defaultStep Then
End If
' The comparison starts here. So, we emit the comparisonStart
' label.
' If the default step value has not been used
' Emit a check to see whether the step value is negative
' If step is negative, emit <end> and <variable> in that order,
' and jump to the comparison. In all other cases, emit
' <variable> and <end> in that order.
' Then do the comparison
Dim normalOrderLabel As Integer
Dim actualCompareLabel As Integer
If Not defaultStep Then
With m_Gen
normalOrderLabel = .DeclareLabel()
actualCompareLabel = .DeclareLabel()
' Check if step is negative
' It is. Normal comparison
' It isn't. Emit end and counter variables,
' in that order
' Jump to actual comparison
' The normal order of comparison
' will happen now
End With
End If
' Emit counter and end variables, in that order
' The negative step case jumps to this point
If Not defaultStep Then
End If
' If the comparison succeeds, the loop is over
' Now, Parse the block
Dim forBlock As Block = New Block( _
"for", _
startpoint, _
endpoint _
result = ParseBlock(forBlock)
If result.Code = 0 Then
' Jump to the startpoint, where the <variable>
' will be incremented and the comparison will be done
' Emit the endpoint
End If
Return result
End Function
This is probably the longest method we have written so far. Examine it carefully. We have implemented it exactly how we said we would, but some points bear highlighting.
Notice how we differentiate between the default step value and a non-default one. In the case of the default step value (no Step
clause in the For
statement), a lot of code ends up not getting generated. This is the way things should be. In fact, this is the first case of optimization in this compiler. We will study optimization in detail in future chapters, but for now, remember this: not generating unnecessary code is a very good example of optimization.
In fact, if there were some way of knowing whether the final result produced by ParseNumericExpression was positive or negative, we could have optimized this code further. As mentioned before, this is one case where keeping scanning and parsing so tightly coupled, and generating code immediately on parsing, is a disadvantage.
Moving on, we want the For
block to end when either the End For
or the Next
command is encountered. Let's write the parser for the Next
Add the following to Commands.vb:
Private Function ParseNextCommand() As ParseStatus
Dim result As ParseStatus
If (Not m_BlockStack.IsEmpty) _
AndAlso _
m_BlockStack.CurrentBlock.BlockType = "for" Then
result = BlockEnd()
result = CreateError(6, "Next")
End If
Return result
End Function
And that's that. End For
will automatically be taken care of, as will Exit For
and Continue For
, as soon as we add For
and Next
to the list of valid commands, and "for" to the list of valid loops. Do that
Testing the For Loop
Compile and run. Test with the following:
Dim i As Integer
Print "Countdown..."
For i:=10 To 1 Step -1
Print i
Print "Blast off"
int j
For i=1 to 5 Step 2
Print "--------------"
For j:=i To i+1
Exit For When j==2
Print "j"
Print j
End For
If i==3 Then
Continue For
Print "i"
Print i
End If
Print "Done"
Flip The Switch
And now for every parser writer's nightmare...the Switch
Technically, it shouldn't be all that difficult. The Switch
statement can be considered syntactic sugar, sprinkled on plain old If/ElseIf/Else/EndIf
. Practically, this sugar has a lot of calories. Let's take a closer look at the syntax.
Switch <expression>
Case <value 1>
<block 1>
Case <value 2>
<block 2>
Case <value 3>
<block 3>
<block 4>
End Switch
The Switch
statement allows us to specify an expression, which becomes the basis of all comparisons in the block. Each time we meet a Case
statement, we need to compare the expression following it against the Switch
expression (for equality), and process the block after the Case
statement if the two expressions match.
Here's the first catch: where does each Case
block end? Could be another Case
statement, could be a Default
statement, and could be the end of the Switch
Here's another issue: there cannot be any code after the Switch
statement, and before the first Case
. Whereas Switch
is the block proper, code actually appears inside Case
Finally, there can be one and only one Default
in a single Switch
block. This one's no problem; we did this with the Else
statement earlier.
Only the second issue, the one about a Case
statement having to immediately follow a Switch
statement, will cause any major changes to what we have so far. The other issues can be taken care of, in much the same way that we took care of the If
One big difference is that we somehow need to keep track of the initial Switch
expression, and compare it against every Case
. We'll use the technique we used in the For
statement; we'll generate an internal variable and store the value of the Switch
expression in that.
First, add the following to Utilities.vb:
Public Class SwitchState
Public ExpressionVariable As Integer
Public ExpressionType As Type
Public CaseFlag As Boolean
Public DefaultFlag As Boolean
Public FallthroughFlag As Boolean
End Class
Add the following to the Commands region of Commands.vb:
Private Function ParseSwitchCommand() As ParseStatus
Dim result As ParseStatus
' Parse an Expression
result = ParseExpression()
If result.Code<>0 Then
Return result
End If
' Store old Switch state
' This behavior is necessary because Switch
' statements can be nested.
Dim oldSwitchState As SwitchState = m_SwitchState
' Create new state, with an internal variable to
' store the Switch expression just parsed
m_SwitchState = New SwitchState()
With m_SwitchState
.CaseFlag = True
.DefaultFlag = False
.FallThroughFlag = False
.ExpressionVariable = _
m_Gen.DeclareVariable( _
MakeUniqueVariableName(), _
m_LastTypeProcessed _
.ExpressionType = m_LastTypeProcessed
End With
' Emit a store to the internal variable. ParseExpression
' has left the value of the expression on the stack
' There should be nothing else on the line
If Not EndOfLine Then
Return CreateError(1, "end of statement")
End If
' Pre-set the endpoint. This will not change
Dim endpoint As Integer = m_Gen.DeclareLabel()
' Parse the block
Dim switchBlock As New Block( _
"switch", _
-1, _
endpoint _
result = ParseBlock(switchBlock)
If result.Code = 0 Then
' If there is a dangling startpoint
' emit it
If switchBlock.StartPoint <> -1 Then
End If
' Emit the endpoint
' Restore the old Switch State
m_SwitchState = oldSwitchState
End If
Return result
End Function
Private Function ParseCaseCommand() As ParseStatus
Dim result As ParseStatus
If m_BlockStack.IsEmpty _
OrElse _
m_BlockStack.CurrentBlock.BlockType <> "switch" Then
Return CreateError(6, "Case")
End If
Dim switchblock As Block = m_BlockStack.CurrentBlock
' If default statement has already been processed
' get out
If m_SwitchState.DefaultFlag Then
Return CreateError(6, "Case")
End If
' This could be the first case statement, or the end
' of the previous case statement. In the latter case,
' we need to emit a jump to the current block's
' endingpoint before we start processing this case
' statement
If Not m_SwitchState.CaseFlag Then
' This is the end of the previous case statement
End If
' If the fallthrough flag is set, we need to jump over
' the condition. So we generate a label and a jump
' Fallthrough is weird
Dim fallThroughLabel As Integer
If m_SwitchState.FallThroughFlag Then
fallThroughLabel = m_Gen.DeclareLabel()
End If
' Emit the current startpoint if there is one
If switchblock.StartPoint <> -1 Then
End If
' Create new startpoint for the next case
switchblock.StartPoint = m_Gen.DeclareLabel()
' Depending on the type of the switch expression
' do the appropriate type of expression
With m_SwitchState
If .ExpressionType.Equals( _
GetType(System.Int32) _
) Then
result = ParseNumericExpression()
ElseIf .ExpressionType.Equals( _
GetType(System.String) _
) Then
result = ParseStringExpression()
ElseIf .ExpressionType.Equals( _
GetType(System.Boolean) _
) Then
result = ParseBooleanExpression()
result = CreateError(1, "a valid expression")
End If
If result.Code = 0 Then
' Emit the Switch Expression
' Emit comparison
If .ExpressionType.Equals( _
GetType(System.String) _
) Then
End If
' If NOT equal, jump to the next Case
' Emit the Fallthrough label if the Fallthrough
' flag is set, and reset the flag
If m_SwitchState.FallThroughFlag Then
m_SwitchState.FallThroughFlag = False
End If
' Reset the case flag
m_SwitchState.CaseFlag = False
End If
End With
Return result
End Function
Private Function ParseDefaultCommand() As ParseStatus
Dim result As ParseStatus
If m_BlockStack.IsEmpty _
OrElse _
m_BlockStack.CurrentBlock.BlockType <> "switch" Then
Return CreateError(6, "Default")
End If
Dim switchblock As Block = m_BlockStack.CurrentBlock
' If default statement has already been processed
' get out
If m_SwitchState.DefaultFlag Then
Return CreateError(6, "Default")
End If
' This default could be the ONLY case in the
' switch block, or the last case
' In the first situation, we need to emit a jump to
' the current block's endpoint before we start
' processing this
If Not m_SwitchState.CaseFlag Then
' This is the end of a previous case statement
End If
' Emit the current startpoint if there is one
If switchblock.StartPoint <> -1 Then
End If
' Reset the Case flag
m_SwitchState.CaseFlag = False
' Set the default flag
m_SwitchState.DefaultFlag = True
' No more startpoints needed, as default is the
' last case
switchblock.StartPoint = -1
Return result
End Function
Our approach here is very similar to the way we processed the If
command. We define an end point for the block when we parse the Switch
statement. Each Case
statement defines a new start point (of the next Case
or Default
), performs a comparison, and jumps to that start point if the comparison fails. If a Case
or Default
statement follows a prior Case
statement (m_CaseFlag is false. Remember, we set this to True when we parse the Switch
statement.), an unconditional jump to the end point is emitted before
the Case
statement is processed, thus ensuring that a previous Case
does not fall through to the current one. At the end, we emit a dangling start point if one exists, emit the end point, and that's that.
Notice how we process a flag called the fallthrough flag in the Case
command. If fallthrough is indicated in a Case
block, the code in the next Case
block (or Default
block) should also be executed, without checking the switch expression. We have taken care of that.
If you look carefully, you will notice that unlike ElseIf
or Else
, each Case
statement does not begin a new block. There's only one block: Switch
. It's state is modified as we encounter Case
or Default
statements. We created the SwitchState class in Utilities.vb to represent that state.
Two things remain. First, the only statement allowed on the line following a Switch
should be a Case
. Actually, no. A Switch
statement may be followed immediately by an End Switch
(rather useless, but legal), or a Comment
statement, or a Rem
statement, or a Case
statement, or a Default
statement. For the first time since it was introduced, we need to modify the ParseCommand method to take care of this.
Change it in Parser.vb, as follows:
Private Function ParseCommand() As ParseStatus
Dim result As ParseStatus
If TokenLength = 0 Then
result = CreateError(1, "a valid command")
Dim commandname As String = _
If commandname = "comment" Then
result = ParseCommentCommand()
ElseIf commandname = "end"
result = ParseEndCommand()
ElseIf commandname = "rem" Then
result = ParseRemCommand()
ElseIf m_inCommentBlock Then
' Ignore rest of line
' All is good in a comment block
result = Ok()
ElseIf m_SwitchState IsNot Nothing _
m_SwitchState.CaseFlag Then
If commandname = "case" Then
result = ParseCaseCommand()
ElseIf commandname = "default" Then
result = ParseDefaultCommand()
result = CreateError(1, "Case or Default")
End If
If IsValidCommand(commandname) Then
Dim parser as CommandParser = _
result = parser()
result = CreateError(1, "a valid command")
End If
End If
End If
Return result
End Function
Finally, the FallThrough
command needs to be processed. We have already done the hard work in the Case
command. All we need to do is ensure that a FallThrough
command appears inside a switch block, and that it needs to immediately be followed by a Case
or Default
Add the following to the Commands region in Commands.vb:
Private Function ParseFallThroughCommand() As ParseStatus
Dim result As ParseStatus
If m_BlockStack.IsEmpty _
OrElse _
m_BlockStack.CurrentBlock.BlockType <> "switch" Then
result = CreateError(6, "Fallthrough")
m_SwitchState.CaseFlag = True
m_SwitchState.FallThroughFlag = True
result = Ok()
End If
Return result
End Function
All that remains is to add Switch
, Case
, Default
and FallThrough
to the list of valid command. Do that now.
Testing the Switch Statement
Compile and run. Test with the following:
Int ItemPrice := 800
Dim CardType As String = "Platinum"
Dim DiscountPercent As Integer
Switch ItemPrice/100
Case 10
Print "Because 10"
DiscountPercent:= 10
Case 9
Print "Because 9"
Case 8
Print "Because 8"
Case 7
Print "Because 7"
Switch CardType
Case "Platinum"
Print "Because Platinum"
Print "Because Not Platinum"
DiscountPercent := 8
End Switch
Print "Because no other choice"
DiscountPercent := 0
End Switch
Print "Discount percent is:"
Print DiscountPercent
Try different combinations of ItemPrice and CardType. Also try introducing errors. Everything should work as expected.
At this point, our language has a rich set of branch and loop constructs. The next logical step would be procedures and functions. However, as I'm sure you noticed, our implementation is getting somewhat unwieldy now. As I stated in the first chapter, we took a rather "procedural" approach to building our compiler. Thus far, this approach has allowed me to explain things easily. But we are fast reaching a point where the approach will outlive its convenience. So, very soon, we will indulge in our first major refactoring exercise, and come up with a more object-oriented compiler.
Another thing that will change, shortly, is our approach to scanning, parsing, and code generation. In our current implementation, the three work very closely together. By separating them into distinct parts, we will be able to do a lot of things much more efficiently. Now that we have understood the basics, it will be a lot easier for me to explain each topic in a more isolated manner.
But, I'm not finished with this implementation just yet. There are a few more things we can do to this compiler before we start working on version 2.0. And so, in the next chapter, we will add debugging capabilities to our language, such that programs written in it can be interactively debugged using any CLR debugging tool.
1. This is where our approach of generating code the moment we parse a token becomes a problem: if the entire expression could be parsed and further examined before generating any code, we could have made more intelligent decisions at compile time. ↩